Monday, August 31, 2009



  1. Doc., Good Morning? Hafa Adai, My new Blog to write a paragraph, labels 085 still, and this is 100, so, here I am. My All about me, was sent through your mail only that I could not turn the page. My Quote for the day, "a flexible, interactive and customizable program motivates and assesses students of English at all skill levels." got this from my English book, Paragraph and Essays. Everyone, be safe, and see you on the next flight...Hey ya let's pretend that we went on a short vacation, then we can blog about it and might be really able to influence our ability to master our ongoing stage one,two & three, especially the ingredients it comes with; free writing, clustering, brainstorming, revising, and editing. So this is all I have to share for now, I just wanted to wake up and have coffee, with two slices of oatmeal bread and tuna mixed with carrots, on top. To say Good Morning to my classmates, and Dr. Rivera, you all have a nice one. Bye....LOU

  2. Lou,

    I think you may have figured out the correct channel by now, since I saw your entry in the EN100 blog. Good job!

    Best regards,
    Dr. Rivera
