Tuesday, June 30, 2009

As we move along in our calendar of events, its good to know were getting closer to our back up composition deadline, which is 13th July. Let's all be prepare for it and I hope everyone in the class have started working on their draft. I did half part of my composition and hopefully I could finish it over the weekend. Bye!


So it's been a long month, and now were into the month of july. So much has happen within just a few short days. From the P.I.B.B.A. Conference, to the death of the late great Micheal Jackson we have seen so much. I wonder what this next month will bring about. Time as its seems feels like it slips away or it feels as if it dissappers like a vapor


"Time is our most valuable asset, yet we tend to waste it, kill it, and spend it rather than invest it"
-Jim Rohn-

To me this quote means that time is a very essential matter. We should not waste time, rather then wasting it we should spend it on something productive. Along with commitment and hard work having adequte time and putting it to good use can surely help us as individuals pursue our dreams in the working environment and it would make life's daily rountine alot smoother.
It is easy to get to the top after you get through the crowd at the bottom.

If you like to get to the top of your favorite tree and enjoy picking and eating its fruits, the first thing you should do is plant the tree. Plow the soil where you want it grow, cultivate it, put some fertilizer, water, and patiently wait until it grow. When the fruit tree is ready to bear fruits in its season, it will produce more and more fruits. It will be easier to get to the top and enjoy the taste without speding time going to the store and saving your money. You could also share some of the fruits to other people and make them happy.
Hi Dr. Rivera thank God I'm able to blog again I went through alot. I don't have computer and I spend almost $25 already using the internet cafe just to get back on track. I surf the net then decided to just change my password and thank God I am able to blog again.

Quote by Zig Ziglar

"The real opportunity for success lies within a person and not the job"

Everyone wants to be successful in life. To achieve your goals, you have to go through a series of steps. First, you have to dream. Second is to plan your goal for that dream. Third is to work hard on your goal. If you work hard and you don't give up, opportunity will come to you. Don't be afraid of making mistake in life because that mistake will strenghten you as a person and you will learn a lot from it. So it's very important not to give up on something you work hard on because in the end your dream will eventually come true. A person may have a good paying job but if he or she doesn't put an effort in their work, in the end oppurtunity will be taken away. Real success comes from hard work and dedication of a person.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Ideas of essay topic


Unusually delay

Greetings Everyone, It was to my surprise that I could not get in for this weekend, I'll need to check with my MCV for service ck. after class. Or I need to have someone contact me online to see
if we are communicating? See you all later. LOU

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Almost there

It has been only the second week of school, and I think we are learning a lot from each other. Don't you think? I hope everyone is having a great experience over this class.

keep up the good work everyone!! TAKE care!!!


Friday, June 26, 2009


This is my second blog, second week of EN085-01 with Dr. Rivera. I have been learning things I have already learned in my school days. Still, the study is fairly new me because at the time of in my school days, I didn't understand a lot of things that went on, due to my poor English. I guess I'm just a slow learner. I hope to do well in my final composition(The BIG essay) and good luck to my classmates too. This week, I've learned more complicating things, such as "How to fix wrong sentences and define the name of words."
There is so much to do and so little time from the exercises in the book. Now I need to post a blog, so I won't get points off and it sounds scary when I hear that. I'm going to post a random blog about my day at class for this week. So far, what we learned at class is about recognizing verbal phrases, correcting misplaces or dangling modifiers, following sentence patterns & more moodle stuff. Surviving another week is hard, but I hope learning this entire English course will help me perpare for EN100.
Today's lessons was a bit different. The correcting misplaced or dangling modifiers was the problem that I had. But I'm going to work hard and push myself to succeed.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Knowing you are loved

“If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.” -Michael Jackson

This quote from Michael Jackson is one of my favorites! It gives me a sense of peace and comfort in knowing everything is going to be okay. The ones that matter love you, and the ones you love matter. We may go through some rough times in our lives, but somehow, some way we get through them. But just knowing that you are loved by someone and cared for, can bring all the peace in the world.

New Changes, and tragic losses

Today marks a day that will be remembered for a long time. After witnessing the P.I.B.B.A. Conference, and seeing the changes being suggested to teachers in order to teach our ever growing island, with its diverse culture and its different languages that range from Chamoru to Chuukese, I can't help but to be over joyed for our future, but as I see our island grow I also have now witnessed a tragic loss. Knowing that my once boyhood idol Micheal Jackson has passed from this world, and now knowing that he is in the hands of God makes me sad. I can remember mimicing his dances as a little boy in front of the TV screen when I first saw the "Thriller" album. It was he that made me want to get into music today, and although I may not have been as succcessful as Michael, the musical passion I feel is just as equally strong. He wanted to help children and inspire other upcoming musicians. I wish to also inspire my Island and to see all Pacific Islanders unite as well. However, life as we know will always continously change. We see new horizons, and remember those that have come and gone. Maybe it's not our possessions, and maybe it's not our fame not the way we teach or the way we learn, but maybe just maybe we are all here to leave a lasting impression on this world so that our soul will echo across time. To where other distant generations can use our experiences, our knowledge, our ideas, our failures to aid them to make as Michael called it "a brighter day" and a better tomorrow.

Recap on the past weeks

The EN085 course these past two weeks has been fun and fast. The Moodle room is a great way we can all help each other and give our support. When a problem occurs with a certain subject we can look at other examples or explanations to guide us and understand better. Thanks everyone for everything and have a great weekend.


“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up” – Thomas Edison

People tend to give up when they are so close to success because they think that success is so up high that they cannot reach. The truth is they just need that one big push to reach the top. In every stage of life, beginning is important but what people do not realize is that the end is the most important part to accomplish. This quote tells us that in order to complete your goal; you need to have a commitment and have a heart to keep going. Life can be successful if you do not give up.


These past two weeks have gone by way too fast. I am glad I'm starting to get to know you all. Lets all keep up the good work.


These past two weeks have gone by really fast! I've enjoyed getting to know some of you. And to those whom I haven't yet met, I look forward to also meeting you. I am glad to be in this class. It has already helped me to better understand the first and foremost important details about the subject English.

PIBBA @ Merizo

On this week, I volunteered to be a participant of PIBBA. I have gone through a similar event with a hardware convention, but this time, I experienced more of togetherness with people and love. Ever felt like something is worth sweating for? Doing the errands were hot and sweaty but it was something meaningful to me. Throughout the days I realized that, there are people out there with beautiful minds, still. At Merizo, they dug out a ground and threw some charcoals in there to heat up the ground. Each person carried out the small portion of food, while singing the Chamorro song (I'm not sure if it was the Chamorro anthem), we together filled the hole with the food. I also learned how to make a rice pouch made with banana leaves, and tried eating lemai and unicorn fish, which all of them I was trying out for the first time.
Every experience was beautiful and new. I'm sure this day will be remembered in my memories. Thanks to Dr. Rivera giving us this opportunity.
Hello there Dr. Rivera,
I'm just checking in. Also I enjoy doing the moodle room. It's great to get the experience online by submitting your assignment. It's something very different and very NEW to me. Also are we suppose to blog twice a week? I'm just wondering.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Bilingual-Bicultural conference

For Dr. Rivera extra credit work, my fellow students and I assisted in event set-up and introduction for speakers on different presentation. The event is the 28th Annual Pacific Islands Bilingual Bicultural Association (PIBBA) Conference and is spread out over four days. We participated on two days at UOG. It was very fun and we got a chance to sit in on some of the presentations, which the main idea was to promote cultural and language activities by disseminating information, involving Pacific Islanders, and encouraging quality education programs throughout the Pacific. The other event site is at Merizo park, so you still have a chance to participant and earn extra credit but at your own expense and risk.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Our first week of EN085 Summer 2009

Our first week went by quick, and I'd have to say- it is getting more interesting. My first impression to moodling wasn't so nice because I thought learning face-to-face would be more helpful to us. Nonetheless, interaction with moodling is amazing, and we can study in our own pace, and also, we can connect with our classmates. On this week, I've learned basics of English that are defining parts of speech and importance of looking for subject in sentence.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Quote...

"History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heart-breaking obstacles before they triumphed. Then won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats." B. C. Forbes

The movie "300" explains this quote very well, in my opinion. The 300 Spartans were killed and defeated by Persians, but the Spartans refused to become discouraged by their enemies. The Spartans never forgot their heart-breaking obstacles and defeated the Persians, and for this reason, the Spartans were the most notable winners. Never be afraid of failing, know your goal, be willing to try again, and if you never quit, good things will come to an end.
Image source:http://keysersozeisthesled.blogspot.com/2009_02_01_archive.html

"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place." - Unknown

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers!
I have been reminded that without my father, my mother, my grandparents, and the Man upstairs, I wouldn't have a place in this world. I thank God for giving me life and life to my family and friends. I feel that the least I could do for Him is to share the love He has for me as well as everyone in the world.

This weekend I ran a 5k for the Mango Festival. What I had realized is that you should always do your best and giving everything you have leaves you with a great feeling of accomplishment. When the race started, I pushed myself. I knew I couldn't beat those runners that get under 20 minutes, but I was determined to break my time. With all my strength and my will, I had done better than my best.

When you think you've done your best and it's not even the end of the race, think again. Every time you feel like giving up, keep on moving.

"It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop. "
- Confucius

Happy Fathers Day!

Greetings to Dr.Rivera, and a joyful Fathers Day, It was so wonderful to wake up and say Good Morning to our Creator, on a Fathers Day, Sunday, one week of class at UOG. I just had to dedicate my prayers to my dad whom is now in heaven. Joaquin Lizama Aguon, if only he's around I wouldn't have waited this long to get to school. But I'm here now because of the reason that he's my father. Last year a prayer card was passed out in the cathedral church for all the fathers I want to share this morning prayer with you my classmates,this is how it goes, easy to memorize too. GOOD MORNING GOD

You are ushering in, another day
untouch and freshly new,
so here I come to ask you God
if you"ll renew me too?
Forgive the many errors,
that I made yesterday,
and let me try again dear God,
to walk closer in thy way.
But Father I am well aware
I can't make it on my own.
So take my hand and hold
it tight
for I can't walk alone.....LOU AGUON Enjoy your day...

Friday, June 19, 2009

Least you should know about English!

Hello Dr. Rivera,

I'm very happy that I'm a part of your class. Your lecture really helps me. I've been away for school for three or four years. The book "The Least you should know about English" really helps me remember what I was taught in high school. I'm hoping that by your help I can develop my writing skills and improve my grammar. Thank you for introducing the blog and moodle online session. It really helps us as student to communicate and share our thoughts with one another. I would like to say good luck to all my fellow classmates, and I hope we all pass your class. Thank you and have good weekend.

First week of school

Hello, Dr. Rivera and fellow classmates.

How was the first week of school? Although we had homework to do, I enjoyed learning this week. It's been a quite interesting class to me. We get to go online and comment on our blog or we get to go on "Moodle" and discuss the topic with classmates. It actually helps me think more when I comment on other people's opinion. I think everyone is getting use to the Moodle session and that's great. I see some creativity that is done online. Bold letters and color letters are very easy to see and it is clear. Good job!

Also, we had couple of presentation based on our quote. Most of them were about hard work and never giving up until you find a road to success. My favorite quote for this week was "In order to succeed, you must first be willing to fail."-Anonymous It encouraged me to work harder even though I fail to earn what I want. What is your favorite quote?
I'm looking forward for next week's presentation.

Have a great weekend and take care everyone!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Reflection for the 1st week of EN085 summer 09

Hello classmates,

Wow! It's Friday! We're heading towards 2-days off away from the UOG campus. Thank God we're free! But wait! Are we really free? We're still having a lot of homework to do over the weekend.
Fellow classmates, we need to check our calendar of events to see if we are up-to-date with our work in EN085 class and EN085 Lab. You know why? It's about time for us to catch-up! Remember, we have to blog 2x in a week. We also need to open our Moodle online session and reply 3x for each topic that we discussed.

Hey, classmates, do you think we're really free to study for the weekend?

Let's see! Happy Week-end!

Reflection for 1st week summer 09 - EN085 class

Dear Dr. Rivera and classmates,

I would like to let you know that the first day and mid-week part of our class meetings for the first week of our summer class were very fun and interesting. Dr. Rivera helps us learn and understand our lessons. She also guides us to make sure we really understand what to expect in the end of our class discussions.

I am sure that by asking questions, practicing the exercises in our text, and doing our homework on time, will help us clearly understand the "Least You Should Know About English."

We all can do it! We just have to do it!

Checking for your response.

Hi Dr.Rivera, How are you? It was a funny feeling to not see you this morning. Even my classmates, turned left to right just to exit Mr. Cruz's lab class. I am looking forward to reading a quote from you, regarding some exercises that I caught up with last night. So I'll spend my day reviewing from the front of my book, for the weekend. Take care, and may you enjoy your weekend. Thanks again...LOU AGUON

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


"In order to succeed, you must first be willing to fail."

I feel this quote is trying to emphasize that you do not have to be afraid to make a mistake. No matter how good things could be, along the way something might go wrong. It's a learning experiences in life that no matter how things fail we should continue to rise and do our best to make things happen. Learning from our mistakes as individuals makes us a stronger and better person for accepting the fact and making the correct decision. Strive and do your best at all times.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Today's events.

  1. Did my presentation on how to deal with success and issues, that we expect would come along with.
  2. Believing in yourself is the golden rule.
  3. As soon as that vision passes the mind, we would need to find out why, that envision came by, our mind, because there is a reason for it and only you can find your answer.


Writing is like a form of art and when you write, you are telling a story. So it's good to be creative on your paper to start a simple sentence to begin a story.


I post this quote to inspire all the student in this class. Do not to give up on your goals. Work hard and put effort into your work. Always do your best and if it doesn't turn out right, do not give up.

Hello classmates and to Dr. Rivera,

I really enjoy every meeting we have. It gives me more inspiration and motivation to continue pursuing my career goals.
Thank you and I hope we all have fun all the time!

Carry your Candle...


Go light your world..So, it's up to us.ready,Go....drive>LOU AGUON

Believing is achieving

"Believing in yourself, makes all things possible."
When you believe in yourself, you can achieve in life and
believing makes life a whole lot easier and simple.

Hello Everyone,

This is the image I decided to post. I got it from google.com These are some writing rules we might need. Take your time and read this poster. It will help you to learn something new and a easier way to start writing.

SOURCE: josephvancell.blogspot.com
"The key to happiness is having dreams. The key to success is making your drems come true." Anonymous
Dreams may come true sometimes, and I believe that if anyone with a dream works hard for their dreams it may possibly come true. To reach your goal is to strive forward, for if you reach higher for your dreams, you will achieve it.


This is the link to my image.
-In our class, we've talked alot about succeeding our goals and I think this image directly shows that.

L.G. productions by frankieFREE

Source: lgproguam.com

This is the first single off of our first CD "The Compilation," and it's the first time our music label has produced such an artistic and vibrant sound. Not only for our label, but mainly to give Guam a musical identity that Pacific Islanders can be proud of. This is the start of my first success in finishing what I set out to do. So dream big, but don't keep them as dreams turn them into reality.

Learning English

Hi, i'm kiko. Currently, i'm learning English at UOG.
Although English is difficult language to study, i'm willing to do my best to be a good writer.



Here's a picture I found under writing, for most of us it's our first time in college. We all came here seeking more knowledge or to better ourselves in the working environment. Although, it's just the beginning and it seems tiresome to some of us already in the end it will all be worth it and we can all reminisce on "Once upon a time,"

A course or class in the study of English language, literature, and/or composition. The more you know.

Success is the Key

Source: http://www.pseudohr.wordpress.com

"The road to success is not to be run upon by seven-leagued boots. Step by step, little by little, bit by bit - that is the way to wealth, that is th

The road to success is not easy. You should have the courage and strength to face every circumstances that come your way. How? Simple as it, but you should do it step by step, little by little, bit by bit, slowly but surely. Small things matters most, do not ignore it, instead, spend some time on it and pay attention to details. This way when big things lie ahead of you, you are well-prepare and ready to face the reality. It's better to start bit by bit because this will lead you to pursue and persevere on the things that you want to be.

Dedication, hardwork, perseverence and discipline to oneself, these are some of the very important characteristics that would lead in pursuing your goal to success. No one else will do it for you. God is good, He never ignores your wants and needs but you have to do it to achieve your goals and you won't ever regret it.

Hello everyone, this image that I decided to use I got it from google.com. It is something that relate to writing, I am not very good in writing but I want to try my best and especially to learn from each one of you. Once again very good to have you all this semester.

“Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get.”

This is what I think.
-Success is getting what you want. You work hard to accomplish a goal which if accomplished, is success.
Happiness may be wanting what you get or getting what you want. Either way, it benefits you and you are happy with what you have.


"Seventy percent of success in life is showing up." Woody Allen

I think that in order to accomplish your goals and to succeed in them, you must be able to have the drive and responsibilities that go along with it! You cannot accomplish your success unless you are there in your heart faithfully. When you don't put the effort into pursuing your goals, you will find that in the end you might not feel so great about the way you conducted your work and responsibilities. Or you might find yourself failing in the end as well. So in order to make certain of your success, you have to make sure you put your heart into it. The other 30% is doing the work. You have to have the will to show up and prove to yourself that this goal is what you really want in your life!


“A successful man continues to look for work after he has found a job.” --Anonymous

For a man that reaches his goal doesn’t have to stop working of what he already finally accomplish. Sometimes the real challenge for a successful man is to maintain of what he has, like trying to keep his dream job. But what can he do to keep it, so he won’t get replace by someone else? After all that hard work, he may not want all that money or time that he spends on to be waste away. It is important to keep continuing working for any competition in life, so he knows that of what he work for will pay off at the end. The people who knew this man will remember of what he done to help them from his services and they will give him more support for his success in life.

Monday, June 15, 2009


Hi! Dr. and everyone. My name is Kaori. I am Japanese and 19 years old.
My English is not really good... but I hope you guys can help my English for me.

Thank you.

This is my favorite picture!
I like this picture because I want to change my life to be colorful like this crayons.
Hafa Adai, Dr. Rivera and fellow classmates,
My name is Pauline Cruz, I'm 18 years old and I just recently graduated from George Washington High School on June 4, 2009. I'm excited to be attending the University of Guam and I wish the best to everyone.

Review class work-en-085-01

Hi Dr.? I just wanted to review myself over again. At class, I had my classmates, by my side which means that, when the day of test comes, they won't be able to assist me the same way. So, I thought I'd drop you a line to show my home review , hoping that you'll receive it in your best of health. Your class, seems to keep my hydrenalen up high, so take care and I;ll see how I can response to a few of my mates.Thank You again, LOU AGUON


"The great successful men of the world have used their imagination...they think ahead and create their mental picture in all its details, filling in here, adding a little there, altering this a bit and that a bit, but steadily building- steadily building."
-Robert Collier

I think it means that to be successful you have to work at it. Success isn't served on a silver platter. Sometimes the plans you set out don't go as you planned but it shouldn't stop you. To be successful you have to know the path you want to take and follow through with it, even if things don't go as you plan.

From Zig Ziglar

(source: http://static.open.salon.com/files/writing1228511911.gif)

"If we don't start, it's certain we can't arrive."

The first step to achieving a goal is to actually have the will to reach it. When we wake up to go to school or work, we must have the will to get up and get ready in order for us to arrive to our destination.
If we don't have the will, the chances of us reaching our goals are very slim. It's certain we can't arrive.
Greeting's Dr. Rivera! I'm looking forward to a splendid semester with you and the rest of the class.
Dr. Rivera and fellow students, My name is Kyle Blas, I'm 23 years of age, from Inarajan and a first of my family to go to college. Today I expect to learn about "words often confused" and "words that can be broken into parts". I hope the best for everyone and accept any help I can get. Thank you



My name is Marian. I just registered in the blog. It was nice to meet all of you. Thank you!
Hi Dr. Rivera! First of all, being in your class today, has brought a new chapter in my life. Thank-You. Please bare with me I'm 50, and I promise to try my best....

Hello everyone!

See you all in class tomorrow morning! Rise and Shine!


Hello, test only

I'm not too sure if what I'm doing right now is correct or not. But I just have to move on and see if this thing will appear as it is. See you all tomorrow. Bye!



I'm here

To professor Rivera Ive signed on and I hope it's right email me back
