Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Quote...

"History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heart-breaking obstacles before they triumphed. Then won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats." B. C. Forbes

The movie "300" explains this quote very well, in my opinion. The 300 Spartans were killed and defeated by Persians, but the Spartans refused to become discouraged by their enemies. The Spartans never forgot their heart-breaking obstacles and defeated the Persians, and for this reason, the Spartans were the most notable winners. Never be afraid of failing, know your goal, be willing to try again, and if you never quit, good things will come to an end.
Image source:


  1. Great Quote and Interesting explanation I can really see your point. I like those last words of willing to try and never to quit. Thank you for sharing

  2. Hi! Bella :)
    I really like your quote!!!
    I have to do mine too...
    I'm still trying to find nice example.

  3. Hey Bella! I did like how you used the movie 300 as a part of how you would describe your quote! But I do understand where Dr. Rivera is coming from. See Ya in class!
