Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Face to face with reality

Well what's up good people of the EN 085! Just dropped in again to give some more thoughts from off my dome. It seems as I walk through life I am in a state of wanting, and wanting what you may ask? Well wanting my personal situations in my life to change; you could say its selfishness. However, to me it feels as if we all must face reality even though we want more, or even want the things that are made up of fantasy. Why you may ask am I saying this? Well, the reality is we all will face the funnel effect. What is the funnel effect you may ask? Well a Professor Stone out of New Jersey's sussex county community college said, "that in the beginning we have many choices, but as time moves on our choices become smaller and smaller and smaller." To the point when all you have is the choice on whether to live or die; hence the funnel effect! People tend to think that this won't happen to them, but as reality hits you in the face like a hard brick, they try to become as thin as they once were in high school, or they try to go out and live as they once did when they were twenty. This is the beginning of the funnel effect, and the road after becomes even more rough. So because of this I push forward taking chances after chances hoping to feel the freedom of when I was young. Unfortunately, the truth is as much as I try I will never again be at the top of the funnel, and I have to accept the road in front of me. So to those that will make life altering decisions I say this, "The choices we make dictate the life we lead, so be careful!"


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It was interesting to read your blog. Maybe that funnel effect is true, that in the beginning we all have choices, but later we all face the reality and realize that we only have two choices: live or die, satisfied or not satisfied, loved or not loved, happy or sad. I think life gets more interesting when you realize that there is only two choices in front of you. I believe there is more to it. Not the end.
