Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My laptop caught a virus and freezes everything, so I have to bring it to Micropac to fix it. I stayed their for three hours yesterday and they couldn't find the problem. The only way to remove the virus was to restore my computer, meaning all my files will be erase. All my doucument was erased and so are my pictures, but I got it now and it's working properly. As long as it works, I'm happy with it, so I posted a poem, I hope you guys like it. I think it's a good poem. It shows the chracter of how to be a winner . I think we're already making our steps into becoming a winner because we are all trying to persue a degree. I'll see you all in class. Bye!


  1. OH manang, Do your note book need a doctor? I'll make appointment for you with Dr. Rivera, sigi,
    let's go, Bring her here tomorrow and I give her mouth to mouth, sigi.. ok?? I am Doctor Aloe Vera, Dr. and I are First cousins, sigi, na , let's go, hurry, hurry upppp???ok , good you , laugh no? no? oh, let's go, hurry, hurry, forget it, I'm going to sleep, sigi, go don't sleep,
    make sure you bring JACKET, then you complain, don't do that, the guy might strip, and give you his jacket. ok, no more Good Night. I have lunch, for us ok ? U understand? ok Bye, LOU

  2. Ai na ko..Good Night Every One..Take Care Ne, LOU
