Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wants and Needs

Isn't it funny in life when we want somthing we only get what we need. This stated by the famous Rolling Stones in a song where they wrote, Where Mic Jagger said and I quote, "You can't always get what you want, but you can get what you need."

Unfortunately, how true this statment is. I myself wish for things but only instead obtain what's needed. So I guess the question to ask is; Is it good to dream if we only get what we need? Or should we strive for more in our everyday lives? I say we should because tomorrow is not promised, and I'd rather take every opportunity and get a yes or no answer then to be left with what if. Also who cares if you don't do everything right; everyone as we know has secrets, problems, and anxieties so screw off! to those people that would just rather sit in the mud and judge others. They can't live life they rather play by the rules, and stay in there little perfect worlds and think that they are perfect. To them I say this: This country and our fore fathers founded this great nation called America with the risk of death. I ask you to those that would judge me! What would happen if they just sat down, and played by the rules and only did what was needed would we be here? or is wanting more a better solution?


  1. I agree that you can't always get what you want, but you can get what you need. This is a good one.

  2. The others say that we need to follow by the rules. Sometimes, it can be a garbage rules and sometimes it makes sense to keep everyone in line. We are only human and no one is perfect. I'm so tired of people who categorize them selves as "perfect" and be judgmental on others who are not b-o-r-i-n-g like them.
    I enjoyed reading your thoughts, this is true as it gets. thanks!
