Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hello :)

Hi! Dr. Rivera and everyone!
I don't have any good topic for mid-term...
I was brain storming but I think I need to change my topic :(
Did you guys decide your topic already?

1 comment:

  1. Kaori,

    Hello! Please keep in mind that your Midterm Self-Reflection must focus on the following:

    You would have to submit a 2-page, 12 point, double spaced reflection paper that addresses the quality of your work as an EN085 student in meeting the following: Professional attitudes, behaviors, commitment, and enthusiasm – as demonstrated through full and active attendance, preparation, and participation; through timely submission of all work; competency in meeting the course standards; and through a willingness to talk, to listen, to challenge others respectfully, and to be challenged. BE SURE TO ALSO INCLUDE THE GRADE THAT YOU FEEL YOU DESERVE THUS FAR.

    Good luck!

    Best regards,
    Dr. Rivera
