Thursday, July 9, 2009

Musical FREEdom in one's self

I've always enjoyed music I loved the way it made me feel when I would sing or rap. I loved the way I could connect to it and have the freedom to express what ever I wanted. Even when moments in my life when it was hard or depressing. I found that music could releasethose troubles with greatest of ease. In life I see that there are rules to live by standards, and morals that society deems to be correct and normal. Thankfully, I'm glad there's no rules in music! No bounderies to limit you!, that I think is the essence of true freedom. There's no person to say "Hey you shouldn't write about infidelity!" or "Your music is too provocative and I'm going to tell the authorities to make you stop!"
They can never stop me! Music is freedom and there is freedom in music so to those that would criticize I say "Turn off the radio then!"
Because I will always push myself, and my creativness to the limit to test what I'm made of. I will use risky ideas in music that might make people shun me from their seats, but in that I gain a great reward that is what I say will effect you whether you like it or not, and that is what makes me FREE! or quite simply frankieFREE!


  1. Frank,

    I agree that music will set you free! Thank you for sharing your musical talent with us today! Continue to use that same creativity and determination in your writing, so that you will strengthen your writing skills! Don't forget that I will book you for a musical performance at the upcoming Language Arts Conference in November! Good luck, and continue to reach for the stars!

    Best regards,
    Dr. Rivera

  2. True, music does help me release troubles or problems in my life. I enjoy listening to those freedoms of speech within the music because it has its own meaning, and also the rhythm. I find it very interesting. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
