Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Self reflection midterm

Greetings everyone,

The midterm is not due until the 13th, but I'm worried that I might rush it and not turn in quality work. I'm having a trouble with what to begin with on the midterm. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas on this subject?

Thanks for your assistance in this matter.
Kyle B.


  1. I believed one of our other classmates turned posted a site with excellent ideas about a week ago I think. Good luck Kyle and rest of my classmates.

  2. Me, too. I don't have a clue what I'm going to write in my paper but I think I will just write what's on my mind. I guess then, Dr. Rivera will guide us after.

  3. Yo kyle whats good! maybe try writing on being at U.O.G. or maybe why you came here in the first place. Or If you want write about a personal experience that changed your life, or a problem and how you think you might overcome it! Just throwing idea at you, but talk about somthing you know well and make it a debateable topic so you can take a stand well shoot Yo see you in class Good Luck shoots
